As I scroll through social media, I am struck by the magnitude of suffering people are enduring. Division, pain, and relational turmoil seem more prevalent than ever. It feels as though many are running away from resolution and healing, choosing instead to dwell in brokenness, blaming others, and avoiding the hard work of reconciliation.
Truth is being rejected. Lies are being perpetuated. Society moves forward in corruption and imperfection rather than seeking to emulate the character of God.
We all face suffering and trials in this life, but our focus should not remain on the pain itself. Instead, we are called to embrace an eternal perspective, one that seeks the blessing and fruit that comes from trusting God in the midst of our struggles.
Jesus never promised an easy life. His own suffering reflected the brokenness of humanity. But in every hardship, we are called to submit to God, lean on His strength, and trust that He will bring us through.
The weight of suffering is real, but the hope we have in Christ is far greater. God’s purpose always outlasts the storm.
Suffering may be used for:
What does your suffering reveal to others?
There have been times in my life when grief and hardship felt overwhelming. In those moments, I had to surrender my self-sufficiency, bowing before God and trusting in His sovereignty.
Pain and hardship do not define us—our response to them does.
“The God of all grace will restore you and make you strong, firm, and steadfast.”
We can trust that He will restore, strengthen, and sustain us through every trial.
“Nothing can separate us from the love of God.” – Romans 8:38-39
A life of faith is one of unshakable joy—not because it is free from hardship, but because its foundation is rooted in Christ. Yet, even as we wait in confidence for eternity, we must navigate the realities of our everyday lives.
One of the most complex challenges some women face is being unequally yoked—a believing wife married to an unbelieving husband.
This is where you are now. This is your focus. This is the relationship that matters.
Marriage is a sacred bond, built on commitment and sacrifice. But when one spouse follows Christ and the other does not, the challenges can feel isolating.
Being unequally yoked means that a wife and husband operate from different foundations. The believing wife turns to God’s Word for guidance, while the unbelieving husband is shaped by the world, culture, and personal experience. This disconnect can create misunderstanding, division, and frustration.
The world tells us: “Do what makes you happy.”
God tells us: “Submit and trust My order.”
Submission is not a punishment—it is a divine act of obedience.
“Wives, submit to your own husbands, so that if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives.” – 1 Peter 3:1
A wife’s role in an unequally yoked marriage is not to change her husband—but to be a witness of Christ’s love through her actions.
Here’s how you can cultivate faithfulness in your marriage:
✔️ Show purity and reverence in your conduct.
✔️ Let your actions, not just your words, reflect Christ.
✔️ Resist the urge to be quarrelsome or critical.
✔️ Love, affirm, and encourage your husband with patience.
✔️ Trust God to do the work in your husband’s heart.
Submission is often misunderstood in today’s culture, but in God’s design, it is a powerful and refining act of faith. It is not a surrender of worth, dignity, or intelligence—it is a willing act of love that honors God’s order.
We are not called to be our husband’s master. We are called to be his example.
Let God do His work in your husband’s life. Trust Him.
Rather than focusing on where your husband falls short, ask yourself:
Marriage is a covenant, not a contract. It is a place to serve, love, and honor God.
What greater crown of glory than knowing that you helped lead your husband to Christ—the very man you vowed to devote your life to?
“Well done, good and faithful servant.”
That is the ultimate reward for a wife who chooses faithfulness over frustration.
Submission is never an excuse for abuse.
If you are experiencing:
Seek help immediately. Speak to a trusted pastor, counselor, or support system.
God’s design for marriage is never one of oppression or harm.
Suffering and hardship are unavoidable. But we have a choice in how we respond.
Let God be your strength. Let His Word guide you. Let your life reflect His love.
Walk in faith. Walk in grace. Walk in God’s perfect order.